Members of Monkey Puzzle Head Office and the nursery team at Monkey Puzzle Loughton welcomed some very special guests through their doors to officially open the brand new Day Nursery.

Loughton Town Mayor, Stella Murphy, came along to Monkey Puzzle Loughton’s official unveiling as a guest of honour, Stella was joined by Mark and Rebecca Crosby, founders of Monkey Puzzle Day Nurseries. The Mayor took a tour of the nursery rooms and facilities, joined the Monkey Puzzle team for refreshments and cut the ribbon to unveil the beautifully refurbished new Day Nursery.

The Mayor, Stella Murphy said:

‘The level of care and thought that has gone into the nursery is incredible. You can see that everything has been done with the children in mind.’

The Manager of Monkey Puzzle Loughton, Mandy Caslake was proud and elated to welcome guests into their new nursery.

Mandy Caslake expressed:

‘This is a very special nursery, I have worked in childcare nurseries for many years now and this nursery is my proudest achievement. We have created a place where children can come and thrive, and parents can leave their children with peace of mind.’

Stuart Graham (Operations Director) was asked if the build and opening process was difficult due to COVID 19.

Stuart Graham commented:

‘We are delighted to be the occupants of this wonderful building and look forward to being part of the community here in Loughton. We have been wanting to do something for the families of Loughton for quite some time, waiting for the right location and building. The refurbishment works went well, our building sites are well controlled places anyway and COVID-19 measures did not hamper us greatly.

We are busy welcoming visiting parents, showing them what we have created for them. Even with social distancing and facemasks being worn throughout the visit you can tell they are smiling at the thought of their child having such a place to play, learn and grow.’

If you are in need of childcare for children aged 3 months-5 years of age, please contact the nursery on 0208 502 5802 or to arrange a viewing of Monkey Puzzle Loughton.

mayor opens monkey puzzle loughton
mark crosby and stella murphy at monkey puzzle loughton